Self-Guided Healing - The Path to Inner-Child Healing, Self-Love, and Money Abundance


Welcome to "Self-Guided Healing," a transformative workshop designed to lead you through the interconnected journey of unveiling your inner child, healing past wounds, fostering self-love, and calling in the flow of financial abundance into your life. This workshop is more than a guide; it's a comprehensive experience carefully crafted to empower you in creating a life filled with purpose, authenticity, and prosperity.

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Key Workshop Modules:

Unveiling Your Inner Child:

  • Explore the depths of your past, unveiling the inner child within. Understand how past experiences have shaped your present and discover the transformative power of reconnecting with and healing your inner child.

Healing Past Wounds:

  • Dive into the process of healing past wounds, embracing a journey of self-discovery and resilience. Each module provides practical insights and exercises to guide you through intentional healing, paving the way for a future rich with possibilities.

Fostering Self-Love:

  • Elevate your relationship with yourself through the cultivation of self-love. Learn practical strategies and engage in exercises that nurture a deep, authentic connection with yourself, fostering a foundation for personal growth and fulfillment.

Welcoming Financial Abundance:

  • Understand the symbiotic relationship between inner-child healing, self-love, and the manifestation of financial abundance. Discover how unlocking the doors to self-love and healing can lead to a life where prosperity becomes a natural flow.

Why Inner-Child Healing, Self-Love, and Money Abundance?

Understanding the importance of inner-child healing and self-love is foundational to unlocking the doors to financial abundance. This workshop is a guided exploration of these interconnected elements, where you'll gain practical insights, engage in transformative exercises, and receive expert guidance to create a life that aligns with your deepest aspirations.

As you navigate each module, you'll unravel the threads of your past, weaving a tapestry of self-discovery and empowerment. "Self-Guided Healing" is not just a workshop; it's a holistic journey towards a life where purpose, authenticity, and prosperity intertwine.

About TamedFree:

TamedFree is a movement dedicated to empowering women to break free from limitations and embrace the fullness of their being. "Self-Guided Healing" is a testament to my  commitment to guiding you on a transformative journey of healing and self-discovery.

Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? Enroll in "Self-Guided Healing" and pave the way for a life filled with possibilities and prosperity.